This is contents for this Fust Test blog.
This is contents for this Fust Test blog.
My dog Molly scratches alot in the house during the winter season. Why? What are your suggestions for stopping a dog from scratching?
Winter is here and squirrels are cuddled up in their nest to keep warm. But not for long- soon it will be spring. What will your dog do with squirrels this year? Well, that all depends on the owner. If owners encourage their dog to chase squirrels, that is exactly what your dog will do. In Fact, most dogs have a high chase instinct and will chase squirrels without encouragement. How you respond to your dog’s behavior and what techniques you use to correct your dog will determine how successful you are in teaching your dog not to chase squirrels. If you need help this spring teaching your dog not to chase squirrels, cars, cats, children, or any other thing that runs- schedule an appointment with me, Richard Mann at A Mann’s Best Friend Dog Training.